Nov 28, 2016 | Bigdata, Cloud Computing
The infographic below, courtesy of ProfitBricks, offers a detailed snapshot of statistics illustrating how SaaS differs from other software delivery models, the history of SaaS, SaaS growth drivers, and the future of cloud computing.
Nov 21, 2016 | Ethical Hacking, Security, Uncategorized
Here is a timely trip through the U.S. history of the privacy vs. security debate as it relates to wiretapping, courtesy of “”.The infographic below follows a path from the establishment of the 4th Amendment in 1791 to Edward Snowden,...
Nov 18, 2016 | Data Center, Hardware
The infographic below, courtesy of Sims Recycling Solutions, illustrates the tremendous number of servers that data centers go through each year. What happens to all that hardware when it’s short lifespan is reached?
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